
Sunday, June 20, 2010

♬ You've got a friend in me ♬ ♬

So I have decided that Washington, D.C. is an excellent place to live.  I mean, yes, I should have probably considered this prior to now, but here is my latest rationale (raise your hand, SLPs, if you're not a fan of that word anymore...)

1) People have reasons to come visit our city (and, by default, US)!!  On Monday, we had the pleasure of seeing A.J. (Aaron's bro), because he came into town for a conference!  We took him to Founding Farmers (I made him a believer in the Fried Chicken and Waffles dish) and spent a little quality time with him on his short visit here.  And today, we got to hang with Daniel (Aaron's cousin), since he was in town for a trip with his youth group's chorus group.  Good times!

2) There are lots of fun things to do!  So as most of you know, summer is my FAVORITE.  I mean, it's pretty much in my blood to like the dog days of summer, especially when you have good friends, fun things to do, time to chill near a water source (pools, rivers, beaches, etc.), and a cool glass of sangria...add some sunscreen and deoderant and everyone's sure to have a good time ;)  My favorite things: Jazz in the Park, Saturday Morning Eastern Market, and sweating it weekend after weekend giving the DC tour to newcomers. 
3)  We are blessed to have great friends!  I addition to having family and friends who have fun excuses to come visit us, we are lucky to have made some great friends 'round these parts :)  I think back to a year ago and how boredo-schmoredo I was and I am a grateful girl!  The highlight of my weekend (don't judge 'til you've seen it, k?)  TOY STORY 3 in 3D with Bryan & Hallie!  It is a must-see for any and all who are eligible to attend a "G"-rated movie.  (Although I'm pretty sure the kids in the movie missed most of the brilliance of the film.) 

Here is a rockstar picture of us in our 3D glasses (in all of it's 2-megapixel-Blackberry-cam-in-a-movie-theater glory):

Moral of this story is (or should I say the tie-up and resolution, since I'm transitioning back into clinician-mode...)  1) Go see Toy Story 3.  and 2) If you aren't local, and you haven't made it out to DC yet, and you don't have a conference or chorus trip that you can sign up for, hopefully we can manage to find you a great excuse sooner rather than later! 

But for now, I'm off to do all of the homework that I didn't do this weekend.  To infinity!  And beyond!


  1. I don't appreciate reading about tie-ups when I'm being nosy and reading your blog. Just a tidbit of info for upcoming entries. I do, however, enjoy reading about jazz in the park, founding farmers, and generally looking at your photos. Keep it up.

    PS. We should get people together for jazz in the park one of these days

  2. I love that you live in DC too!!!
