
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of the Union

Well, it is a true story that Aaron and I have not had anything too exciting to blog about lately.  Here's the latest and greatest:

Aaron just recently returned from several business trips (one to Omaha, Nebraska and the other to Barcelona, Spain).  I was not envious of the former (because it was a whopping - 4 degrees!!), but the latter sure made me jealous!  School started back up a little too soon for me to join him, so since the start of the new year I've been studying like crazy for my upcoming comprehensive exams.  Which is why the blog posts will be few and far between (unless procrastination gets the best of me).

Tonight, our brains had had enough so we gave ourselves over to watching President Obama's State of the Union address.  It's a must-do as Americans, especially as residents of the DC Metro area!

But, you know, we Wilsons like to keep it interesting and provide our own (slightly sassy) commentary throughout.   And to make it even better, others even joined in via text message.  God bless DVR for allowing us to freeze-frame our TV's in order to get some excellent pictures!  Here's a little peak at how the commentary went:

Me: "Pretty good not to have Nancy Pe-lousy up there!"  (It's true, I can't deny the happiness I feel.  Although she was definitely better at smiling than John Boehner.)

Dad: [via picture text] "Just so you don't get too comfortable."

Me: [via picture text] Rubio knows the best way to get through this.  He's starting early on making big change like the rest of 'em!  And can you handle Bill Nelson's creeper facial expression?  

Dad: [also via picture text, obvi] "Sticky note on the TV to cover up Biden."

Me: After camera pans to an unknown figure...Who is the CEO of Corning, Inc.  and why does he get to be there?  Why can't I go?  'Laura Wilson, GW Graduate Student spending lots of money on higher education'  <-- that would be my title on the TV monitor when they pan over to me, of course."

Aaron: "Fat chance" (or something of that nature).

And then what. do. you. know.

WHO IS DIEGO and why does he get to go!?  Where is S Mountain Comm College?  I'm from right up the road!  Cheaper travel to pay for, I'm sure ($4.80 via metro to be exact, Mr. President.)

Oh, and as if I wasn't having enough fun: then Amanda chimed in [via text message]:  "Ohhhhhh bama!" she says.  "What a pep talk!  You can do ANYTHING in America!  Come on everyone!"

Have I mentioned I love the company I keep.  We're really patriotic, I promise.

Here's proof:

Miss America Pageant 2009 celebration/reenactment.

And, patriotism on a more serious level.  :)

That is all for now.  I hope I was able to make you smile.  And if I just made you mad because of my sarcasm, sorry.  I hope we can still be friends :)

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